Boom, headshot! 8.5/10

Hmmm, now maybe the notthatawesome but fastest aikido fight ever, and another decap.
Attached Files
0cah_skullo3.rpl (46.3 KB, 16 views)
0cah_kankwa1.rpl (90.9 KB, 15 views)
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Lol nice 7/10

my replays! i know they're not awesome but i wanted to post 'em

Split $ decap: i like it, i look serious <.>

decaped (evil laugh): random decap (lol) and i used moop head in emote 8P

Nope: super fast dq before my thigh touched the ground

yep!: a pretty nice reversal
Attached Files
decapped MWAHAH.rpl (38.5 KB, 20 views)
nope.rpl (51.9 KB, 9 views)
yep!.rpl (54.4 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Gugu; Sep 11, 2009 at 04:13 AM.
Sambo Body Rip
^^^ They're not that bad. I like your decapped MWAHAH one. 8/10

Here's one that I got the other day. I managed to split a guy in half on sambo. Surprising.
Attached Files
Awesome Sambo Body Rip.rpl (35.6 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by Lyak; Sep 11, 2009 at 05:06 AM.
^ Yeah getting a limb off in sambo is hard but splitting someone in half?

Here one of mine in sambo aswell, got a decap with a nice touchdown haha.
Attached Files
aikido 122 VG.rpl (35.6 KB, 16 views)
Make Sense w/ eyes
Super Fantastic, [raku]
I liked the snatch decap, but the touchdown looked a little bit awkward. But I know how hard it is to regain your balance if you're not grabbing the other guy, so 8/10. Don't forget about your glutes, they're weird but they've helped me balance in a lot of situations.

And speaking of touchdowns...
Attached Files
touchdown.rpl (52.2 KB, 15 views)
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
Hmmm... 7/10

This one is of my first Blackbelt match, lemme know what you think =D
Attached Files
Blackbelt Bitch!.rpl (57.3 KB, 17 views)
haha looks nice.
your opponent doesnt look really good when he broke his own leg xD

ok heres mine.
its a really fail ;-) i was so sure that i will win (look at my emote text xD)

epic fail xD.rpl <- funny,german browser game
Hmmm, to sticky or not to sticky?
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time