Well, I'll be posting less for a couple of days/weeks.
You know how it goes, school's a bitch and shit......
Also, I can't stop playing GTA V....halp....

I will still be checking the forums every couple of hours......yep.....can't get off tb forum as well......
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
WELP HELLO I guess I should post in here then huh? Hahah..

I'm back for the time being, just gotta relearn how to play toribash!
"The Path of Honor is the only true path to take among one's roads of life" -Some Wise Old Dude
I most certainly am!

Trying to relearn all my old wushu moves is absolutely killer though, and not in a good way!

No idea why i vanished like i did hahha!
"The Path of Honor is the only true path to take among one's roads of life" -Some Wise Old Dude
I will be on everyday, at 4:45. It wont always be at that time specifically, but yea.
I leave my home at 6:35 to go to school.
On the weekends I am free.
ishi Moderated Message:
You are a horrible person. <3
Didn't have a chance to say, but I might be very inactive due to school and the track team. I will have the most time on weekends.
Hey guys, I'll be inactive for a day or two. My birthday today so, yeah. Cya guys soon.
You never know how STRONG you are, until being strong is the ONLY choice you have.