Conspiracy theories are a huge waste of time. If you turn out to be right, you can't change anything.

I do not understand how you think a huge jetliner is not enough to take down a building. Hell, there have even been reports that the steel and building techniques used in the twin towers was no longer up to code and the it was scheduled to be worked on.

Also, terrorists have stolen planes before, they also like to bomb shit. Why is this instance so hard for you to believe. There were millions of witnesses and almost the whole country saw it live on TV. I did. The missile ideas and government planes ideas are total bullshit. No sane person who was actually there saw any explosions until the planes actually hit the buildings.

You can believe whatever the fuck you want, but don't try passing off you convoluted illogical stories off as facts.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well