Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post

Best thing ever.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
Well, there was this one fellow.

He was mexican.
He went to my school.
He had a full head of dark brunette hair.
One day he said he was really hot.
The next day he had shaved his head.
He said he did it because he was hot that day and wanted to cool off.
After trying a bunch of different ways to do so.
He came to the conclusion that shaving his head would provide the most cooling effect.
Later on in the year he ran for class president and won thanks to this guy dancing for his campaign.

True story.

lol, that's from napoleon dynamite

Originally Posted by athrax View Post
lol, that's from napoleon dynamite

Aren't you a bright fellow?

I also hate the people that act dumb but are actually smart. So they don't use their intelligence at all.

It's fucking shit, that's what it is.
Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
Aren't you a bright fellow?

I also hate the people that act dumb but are actually smart. So they don't use their intelligence at all.

It's fucking shit, that's what it is.

Define "smart".
MORALITY: A traditional code of decency that went out the window about the same time as belief in eternal damnation.
Lol, reading this I'm happy people never gave me shit in high school (just graduated last year). Growing up in the "era" of school shootings discouraged most prospective bullies, I don't think a single person even insulted me to my face as an upperclassman, and I'm like 5'11, 130 pounds. I'm sure a lot of it was that it's a private school and I kept to myself, it's not like I was with the worst of the worst. But in the age of hysteria, sometimes it helps to play off of the description you fit.
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Well, I got two dickheads in my grade, both called "Ben"
The first one is a little shit. Acts like hes 7 and talks in an all cutie voice, fuck you.
He is the most immature prick, and whenever someone insults him, he replies "YOUR FACE!" etc.
Then the other Ben is a fat fucker. When he walks I feel the earth moving.
Every time he see's me he calls me mop, cus i have longish hair.
I just make fat jokes about him and everyone laughs, yay me.
He just doesnt get the message.
20/6/2008 [Triforce] → 1/12/2008 [UrbanUnit] → 26/4/2015 [Addicted]
Mówiem po polsku źle; fully qualified med student
There's one kid in my school named William, who's a generally annoying faggot with a high pitched voice who runs around trying to follow people and make jokes. Let me clarify how much he gets on people's nerves; the fourth week of school for this year just wrapped up today, and he's been beaten up by students four times. Even my math teacher told him it was pretty much his fault all this goes down when a kid punched Will in the face in the middle of class (referred puncher didn't get into any kind of trouble at all) He's like a troll, an extremely gay one who seems to enjoy the pain. And the students at the school are obliged to give out some of said pain.

Anyhoo, earlier today I got together with a friend and we hurled him off the school bleachers during gym. Fun stuff, because he's like 5'6" and weighs maybe 120 (scrawny little rat), and my friend and I are both over 6' and are STEROIDUSERSFUDGEYES. By steroid users, I of course mean we're able to actually work out without stunting our growth and therefore have ADEQUATELYVISIBLEMUSCLES.

A couple people walking the track saw him flying and stopped to cheer and piss on him. (Mentally, of course) Later that same day, as we get ready to run a half mile and everyone's stretching, he leans down to stretch and two people teabag him in the face nigh instantaneously, the second hitting him hard enough to knock him over, much to the hilarity of the surrounding students who at this age of course find anything associated with dicks funny. (and no, I sadly wasn't one of the 'teabaggers'. I feel if I ran into a guy that weak that I might snap his neck with my crotch, and I don't want to be sued for manslaughter :|)
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.