Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I had some vodka at a friend's house once, AM I COOL YET?
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
I avoid whisky now, after an incident back in school involving tesco's, vomit, a fire station, and 2 policemen.

There was actually 4 policemen, 2 went after Dave while the others interrupted me mid-fap at 3am to tell me that you were a cunt
Originally Posted by rafufu View Post
There was actually 4 policemen, 2 went after Dave while the others interrupted me mid-fap at 3am to tell me that you were a cunt

oh well i only saw 2. must've needed backup to take on us pros.
Soft drinks, would have to be Red Bull. That stuffs keep me alive.

Alcoholic drinks, mainly beer. Grolsch, Fosters, Budweiser and Carlsberg. Or if chilled some ciders like Magners and Guinness are really nice. If I'm drinking heavier stuff it would be Morgans and Fanta Fruit Twist (gay...) or Southern Comfort and lime. Stay away from Vodka unless I'm pretty drunk.
Originally Posted by Shin-Ryuu View Post
/me points at his userbar


chocolate flavoured homebrew.

don't try and con us on this one!
Non alcoholic is Irn Bru by a country mile. I drink about 3 litres of it per day.
That as well as White Grape & Blackberry Flavoured Spring Water.

As for alcohol there is a long list.

Beers: San Miguel, Brahma, Corona (with a lime), Estrella Damn, Samichlaus (on occassions, bloody strong though), Desperados (Beer and Tequila), Fruli (Strawberry flavoured beer).

Spirits: Vodka and Coke, Vodka and Red Bull. Preferably Grey Goose, 42 Below and Absolut.

Tequila shots and Jaegermeister are also favourites of mine. As are Jaegerbombs which I love.