No seriously, my guinea pig had to stay with my hamster in that extension for a bit because she didn't have a home, and my hamster pretty much was like GTFO FATTY and tried to attack her. I mean, just look at buddy cowering in the corner. Hamster's probably calling her names in language we can't understand and at pitch we can't hear.

They're at a truce now because they're separated. Also my hamster is scared of Buddy's husband.
Last edited by Acavado; Aug 21, 2011 at 08:29 PM.
My beautiful pets<3

Icy, she fights a lot x_x

Icy's only kitten, CJ<3

Drew, my bearded dragon<3

Drew's feet, hands, and tail are red cause of his sand, just saying :3
Okay ;_;
I was using autofocus.
Drew and your guinea pigs should have a slumber party with some cupcakes involved.
Then they could be bffs!
We shall get Brubs to bake the cupcakes, combine monies to buy pets airline tickets to Australia, and ship it all off there to party wif' Puff.