Nope. You can only be one rank.
But your rank is higher than Forumite, so yeah.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
Applying for clan board moderator
Forum activity:9/10
In-game activity:9/10
IRC activity:10/10
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):

Timezone:12+ nz for lyfe
Best mods:aikido, aikidobigdojo, all my mods
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):

4th dan
Why you want to join(get clan moderator?):

well, i have always wanted to be a clan moderator. I think i have good forum skills and i know what is good and what is bad (lel) i think i would be great at the job!
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): modding, clan wars, foruming is small enviroments (like a clan board)
Any additional info about yourself:

you all know all there is to know about me.
Also i am applying now but i am grounded.
so dont give me the role just yet. just have a think over it.
i will be ungrounded a week from now or hopefull less. can get the occasional posts in
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Name: rickyz
Changing Rank To: Forumite
Why You Want It: I get on the forums alot+No one is in that spot currently :3
Any Additional info about yourself: My usertitle is forumite \o/
Is this the right place to put this?
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
guys i think david would want you to pm him for promotions as its kinda spamy as you all want one so deleate the posts and maybe pm them to him.Ricky make a better one as i think yours is a little small.
Marketer once again.
Stich is right were spamming in fact hang on let me do something.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Timiotul View Post
Name:TimiOtul ( but you can call me Lucho ;) )

Forum activity: I read a lot the forum to stay updated , and to learn some things,although my participation Isn´t much.

In-game activity: I realy like to play , when ever im at home xD

IRC activity: Since I´ve entered to #RVNG im in the chat room a lot of time , I really enjoy it.

Previous infractions/bans(include the reason): My real account was desactivated , in a major hack attack on the forum.

Timezone: I´m from Argentina , Latin-America

Best mods: Aikido , Aikido BD and Judo

Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining): I´m green Belt , as this is a new account , but im climbing up to more

Why you want to join: Beacuse this is the best of the best , and the integrants of the clan are cool , I kinda like sociable people

Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): Im very good at Photoshop , eventhough I´ve never made any text , I know I can make lots of cool texts.

Any additional info about yourself: Im 17 years old , as I said I live en Argentina , Buenos Aires , I like to play rugby , I enjoy playing toribash while listening to music ( like Red hot Chili Peppers , Green Day , Disturbed , some of Slipknot , Metallica)

Some replays are attached :P
3 Single player
2 Multy player

thnx 4 time
Lucho (TimiOtul)

if you havent talked to this guy yet he is really kewl.

Originally Posted by wikipo2 View Post
Name:Christopher (Wikipo2)

Forum activity:I post at least 1 time everyday of the week i can

In-game activity:I got on everyday and i try to play as much game as possible

IRC activity:Well im not rly often on IRC but if its to get better relation with clan member i can give it a try.

Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):A expired useless post one and one not expired for posting in a reported thread :S

Timezone:GMT -4

Best mods:Im good at Judo,Wushu i love aikido and i often do parkour.

Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):2nd dan -100 game of 3rd

Why you want to join:Because i think i can help this clan alot with my skill and i can also do video making (not too long video tho because my comp cant handle long video :s)

Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making):Video Making.Avatar making

Any additional info about yourself:Well my friend call me Chris.
Ive known Nickone from my first clan ive ever been in so hes one of my good friend . Im 15 and im a very friendly person

a vid maker.
post some vids please
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
My most recent one
3 mounth ago
Im better at it now im actually working on one

i vote yes for wikipo.
good vid maker and we need a vid maker
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard