It seems the system is working again... I just tried setting mpkatar, and it worked. I have to go to work, so, you guys try out the other newly approved mods. Post here if you find a mod in the approved list that doesn't load.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
My mod... RockemSockemPunch I tried some other mods thoguh, and they worked. mine dosent though
- its been a while
you made sure to keep capitalization the same when attempting to load the mod right?

RockemSockem.tbm has capitals..
rockemsockempunch.tbm has none.

here is me in a multi room with your mod loaded..
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
Thanks a bunch, turns out that the one that I saved was named different, like you said, with capitals.

nice avitar
- its been a while
I noticed there's a "remove" button now, does that work or? If/When it works these mods can be removed (because of glitches):

and these one's don't work with shaders (because for some reason worldbuilder made the opacity of the objects 1.1 so it wasn't all my fault, in all fairness, these were my first mods) so if you want me to fix them and resubmit:

Thanks. I will update if I find any others.
Last edited by DoubleDagR; Jan 3, 2009 at 02:22 AM.
/set gr 0 0 -30