I have played it... very badly. I don't have the patience or common sense to do trading and I always get bored of grinding and end up doing something stupid and promptly dying before getting very far into the game at all. I tend to heavily rely on picking up the throw-aways of higher levels around nexus like the filthy lowlife vulture I truly am.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
I tend to heavily rely on picking up the throw-aways of higher levels around nexus like the filthy lowlife vulture I truly am.

Don't worry..... Link can give us free stuff...

I mean what?

I used to play all the time, when I had my desktop which handles it. I used to rape train for the longest, max out, get some decent gear then go and fight the op bosses until we were all booted out to fight Oryx.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by Retro View Post
I used to play all the time, when I had my desktop which handles it. I used to rape train for the longest, max out, get some decent gear then go and fight the op bosses until we were all booted out to fight Oryx.

That's a good description of how I play.

Also, I do give glimpsed a lot of pyrite which he thinks is good.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Ocean View Post
i got a couple 8/8's if anyone wants to play.

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