i used to have formats but i got tired of them


that's some great speed in that opener, but it wasn't really used to its full potential. you just kinda stopped after that punch.
split was fine, decap was ok, although i'm not fond of the transition to decap.

also grabbing is fine as long as you can use it properly. there are a lot of times you can use it to continue your fluidity. also, it opens up the opportunity for booms, but you should still focus on movement nonetheless.
The opener was interesting. Really interesting. Liked it.

The follow up punsch and kick looked really weak and not cared for and the decap could of been a Little bit more edited to look not as twitchy. Rest was twitchy until pose.

Got majour stuff there, work more towards your followups after openers and get more unique and interesting stuff, you're right on your way however, gj
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
I think the replay is solid. I like how after the elbow dm you grab onto uke, pause the action/spin, then continue into the dm's.

The hits could have been a little cleaner and connected a bit better, and the pose is different so I can knock it.

Solid replay brah.