Original Post
Deadys give away/farewell gift.
well, I am moving tomorrow, and I am also thinking of leaving TB. So I decided to give away all of the things in my inventory I do not want. Here it goes.

Motion trails (all four)
Primary grad
Secondary grad

Titan grip (why the hell did I buy that?)


One Item per person.

If I am unable to distribute these in a reasonable amount of time, I ask an admin to please do so for me. But do not delete my account as I may very well be back.

Take care.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
QS trails please.

Sad to see you go.

Very giving
So, your probably reading this right now.
And its probly boring. You can stop reading but read on if you want to. So yea kthnxbai.
deadys probobly still sleeping
Nov 2nd:moving day
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
well good bye....enjoy your live and live it

if there is till sth.for me u could give it to me if you want
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3
I know you guys just post here for the items >.<
Only about 3 people didnt.

Originally Posted by 2fast4ud View Post
again me, could I get leg QS trails? only legs:P i no must get full set, legs are cool too

Dude , wtf are you doing?
This is a frigging goodbye thread not an item request its clearly said youre doing it for the items X_x
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
Originally Posted by donkor View Post
I know you guys just post here for the items >.<
Only about 3 people didnt.

Perhaps this is because the thread is to give away items? "Deady's give away"
We can give a goodbye and still ask for items he stated he wanted to give away.
the god