The list still needs Black Metal or atleast something Burzumish.

Download or buy De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and listen it through 5-10 times. Alone without distractions.

Listen this at nitetime alone with a loudass subwoofer.
EDIT:This has nothing to do with Black Metal, but it belongs on the list.
Last edited by DaBandito; Mar 29, 2009 at 08:15 PM.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

Why? Does the fact that it "sounds teh coolz" with a "loud-ass subwoofzors" make put it ahead of anything? Not really. Wheres the meaning? I don't know. It's just noises to me.
Originally Posted by SporeCc View Post
Too bad. Romeo and Juliet is better anyway, and that's there. Also, beautiful Anthony Kiedis signature.

led zep is already well represented, but i'm gonna suggest "black dog"
Originally Posted by SporeCc View Post
Why? Does the fact that it "sounds teh coolz" with a "loud-ass subwoofzors" make put it ahead of anything? Not really. Wheres the meaning? I don't know. It's just noises to me.

It makes you feel wack.
And what is the purpose of music anyway? Sound nice?
Sunn o))) sure does not sound nice but it makes you go slightly insane if you are listening it right. Sunn O))) and Mayhem shouldn't be listened the way one listens to "normal" music.

And the subwoofer bit. You just don't hear everything if you listen it with crap loudspeakers or headphones. It's like listening to stereo songs with only one functional speaker.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

@ Harl: hmmmm. This is difficult. Very difficult. I'll have to say no. They simply have too many here, plus one at the number 2 spot. I just can't stomach having that much zep on here. Don't get me wrong, its a GREAT song from one of the best bands of all time... I just can't do it.

@Bandito: Gah.

Edit: So I've been thinking. When I made this list I had already decided not to include classical music, as that would be impossible (Puccini's Nessun Dorma, when sung by Pavarotti, might be more epic than A Day In the Life) and I still stand by this rule. However, I think perhaps we should include Jazz on this list. I'm thinking some John Coltrane and Miles Davis, you know the real good stuff. Thoughts?
Last edited by SporeCc; Mar 29, 2009 at 08:55 PM.
classical music that shows influences in modern stuff should definately go in there.

I'd suggest reserving a few spaces for classical pieces on the list, since sometimes it's the best thing to listen to.

If you put any classical stuff in there, i'd suggest the Rach 3 (especially played by Rachmaninoff), which is an incredible piece of music.
Honestly, I just think it would be too difficult. The realm of classical music is far more complex. We would have to take too much into account. Jazz is similar, but should be easier. So lets not add classical (not that I don't have respect for it, I love classical music, especially opera) and if people suggest to, please add Jazz.
all my friends-LCD soundsystem, bros-panda bear, Rebellion(lies)-arcade fire

I think all these songs should be on the list somewhere...please check them out
im dead