Get beta 2.6 ...
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...
They just do when you extend or contract the wrists.
I assume you are running this under 2.6b?
If not, then of course it won't work unless you fracture your wrists, in which case it might...
You know, I really wish I had a shotgun, so I could go back in time and kill you before I watch that.
Oh wait! I didn't watch it.
So there!
Yah, all there is to say.
Oh! Im running on 2.5. If I download 2.6 can i just drag and drop all the mods i downloaded into 2.6 Data/Mod/ folder?
[uncopyrightable]: I think Blam is the competition donater.
[Carrick]: donater? what does he do?
[WeRd]: donate.
-Full Void Packed- <<<<<>>>>>
i just made uke's corpse have perfect balance without even moving uke! I cut off his arms and head, then he's all relaxed, and he balances perfectly on his feet!
Last edited by Jam0864; Sep 30, 2007 at 04:20 AM.