Its ok people, I am glad we have loyal members
Losing people who arent truly loyal aint a problem. It will be a problem if a loyal person wants to leave ;)

I am back home so lets start warring!

Also, Krisis13, Bloodage and Sunther are all Co-Leaders now ;)

@AS, sorry if you think this is invadeing, and I don't really believe I'm a clan Hopper, all I did was leave because of some issues I had with the clan.you can hate all you want but, let's be honest. I could have litterally killed AS. I didn't because I'm not a dick and still like you guys (well some of you).
"We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire"
@2Rud, I would guess he means kicking everyone from the clan ... etc just making everyone feel bad.

People that say shit like that should not get a leading position in the clan
Originally Posted by Trestet View Post
Its ok people, I am glad we have loyal members
Losing people who arent truly loyal aint a problem. It will be a problem if a loyal person wants to leave ;)

I am back home so lets start warring!

Also, Krisis13, Bloodage and Sunther are all Co-Leaders now ;)

hey dawgs...

you shouldn't take things that srsly, ppl come and go and i think everybody, has the right to decide if he wants to stay or leave, its their choice not yours..

it might sometimes be sad ofc. but hey its just a game and the ppl are still the same

if you dislike ppl for such doings, it is your decision aswell to take sb

and guys arent unloyal just becuz they are leaving, they are unloyal if they dont do what they said they do

just stay to yourself and you'll always be loyal

P.S.: Good luck in getting clanrank 1

Water Melon, Fire Melon, Earth Melon, Air Melon... The ELEMELONS!
I know this, im staying till im the last person in the clan. And i promise on that
I'm Back trash#1234