So your internship starts soon?
Time to invade poland

After all that time I'm still having sweaty palms trying to hit RE in my user control panel without unsubscribing
Why don't we have a clan info there or something :3

I know this has been said a lot of times but... Man
After ten years starting with this game a lot of shit happend
And I'm still waiting for Gormans Toribash 'insert version here', where it looks like real dummies fighting in the game

I've became a Breakdancer btw.. Believe it or not. I used to be a dancer back than. And like 3 years ago I finally joined the Breakdance part of it
Don't ask me for more than the windmill though
Well, I that made me laugh actually

It's hard to get people to train that, I fear
One can always try.

As for the game itself, the playerbase shrinked to ~100 ppl, with 30% of them being staff, so it's on its last legs. I don't have much hope for ,,toribash next" as well, hampa will probably fuck it up and spend 0$ on marketing.

As for life, it sucks and then you die.
10 years ago I would play tb for 6 hours a day after getting back from school, especially during the winter. Nowadays I have PhD to take care of, running an association is also a pain in the ass for legal and tax reasons, and the prospect of working in a corpo doesn't bring me much joy either.

I had guessed that the best days were over, when quit playing years ago. But I hoped that things will improve
It's kind of sad to read that now.

But don't you think it just sucks for quite some time to then eventually give you chances?
Sometimes you get choices to than find a place in the working world which you find to be nice, right

As for my brother, this is complete bullshit though. He works as a waiter on the island Regen in Germany in the tourist industry. He works over time every day without getting paid for them, as he must collect working hours for the end of the season. But they never reach an amount that brings him through the winter break.
Therefore he earns not really enough to have a good life quality and also have troubles after the season.

But studying gives you atleast some chances, doesn't it

Don't say no, 'cause that is what I'm going to do the next years

Edit: you got me with that though. I don't believe in corpo life ever since
4 days in, going through trainings for now, I guess I won't start being "productive" till next. Not much to complain about, not much to share either. At least the coffee is decent.
Hey guys
I've been to the cinema recently and saw Alita
Just wanted to say that if you hate open endings where the first movie is a step which alone makes no finished picture, you might not be satisfied

Alita story is elonggated

Probably not going to see it as I'm slaving my life to corpo and come back home dead inside. My next cinema experience will probably be ,,Endgame", I'm most likely skipping ,,Captain Marvel".
Same here. I just don't know if it makes sense anymore. I would only watch it, because I saw some of the marvel movies.. I only really liked one or two of the movies
going to IEM tomorrow, time to experience some esports irl, too bad there is no toribash tourney there :^)