@ Rolandman first off he pinged get you're facts right and second It was a no mercy spar, and in a no mercy spar I don't to tell anyone what i'm doing unless they ask and maybe even then I might not tell them, but in this case he didn't ask. Pretty much you're trying your best to K.O. him before he does you. It's more realistic if you ask me because in a real fight you're not going to sit there and tell them what you are about to do or let up on them; We all have our different ways and styles we do things.

edit: thanks Marrez
Last edited by Micah; Sep 24, 2013 at 03:09 AM.
Ello sexy beasts. Poking my head in to see if it would be acceptable for me to chat with you beauties. Pamaaj is lurking among your ranks, and whenever I cross y'all ingame, fantastic magic occurs.

Hai. Big fan. Stay amazing.

And Pamaaj, <3
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"
Ew vrad.. <4

Any who for future reference, keep this stuff to off-topic. Or I'll have to probe you and whatnot.

Also guys, cmon, lets keep it friendly
nothing much

I know, that's nothing so amazing, because i did it when this year started.

What u guys think about this drawing?


It's pretty alright, not much detail, but seems alright if you just started drawing the outlines out.

Edit - Btw, before drawing out really hard, try to draw lighter so you know that all your proportions are spot on. A.K.A. The right eye is a bit higher than the left eye.
Neck seems a bit too long aswell.
Last edited by Kiza; Sep 25, 2013 at 01:50 AM.
A hole mdm C:

Kiza: Alright I'll fix this problems (if i have because it's a past draw) i have a bunch of drawings to done and my second best draw i did a bad thing on it so i'll start my best draw (the painting, etc) at saturday or sunday and i'll try to finish it more early as possible, i take a photo and post here if i didn't get accepted or don't get an answer from some eVo members
Last edited by Victor4554; Sep 25, 2013 at 04:12 AM.
The drawing of Ulqiorra Shifer

Is quite nice

But the eyeballs are quite to big for my prespective

And the hair looks messed up

The hole is fine with me
Risk, no