Originally Posted by HidanX View Post
Alright..First of all,I'm just a kid so I'm not great...This is what I did out of that drawing that you did...

Stolen from thread, Just recolored. Sorry for inade.

Originally Posted by HidanX View Post
there sorry that its so massive -.-

Make it 256 by 256 atleast!!!
Last edited by Zip0; Oct 30, 2009 at 06:46 PM.
uhh i just added a bit of detail i know thats all i did he told us to..btw im making a head now so please ignore that shit head that i posted....I'll do my best on this one and then i'll post it
Last edited by Praeter; Oct 30, 2009 at 06:48 PM. Reason: wrong spelling
Tint is sex.
Greetings to all gimp users.
Atempting to do unique graphics is my calling in toribash.
Here are few of my exapmles.

Skull Mask
My current head (sorry, won't be sharing anytime soon)
I have many versions of this one.
Without jaw.
Dropped jaw
Bigger eyes.

Experiment used along Flame that has blend=1 and emision scale very low. you just have to try your self since it's idiotic to even try make rotating head from this.

My DQ ring. Had fun doing this one even though it looks simple

Above picture is bit work in progress. also ignore the small dot in back of the picture. It's there to keep the shape intact.

Quake Riple DQ Ring. Used this one earlier. Feel free to grab this one.

I have few others: Flame particles (alot) and Trail textures (some) but I won't upload them flat and can't be bothered to take screen right now.
Wow, I like this guy. That first head is really nice. But try to add some shading to where the cheek bones would be and stuff.