Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
Oh alright, lot on the news nowadays, I must say. Are you Muslim?

Yes I am Muslim but please I am not going to talk any further about the political situation in my country or my religion. If anyone starts anything about my religion I am not going to participate in the debate so don't ask me anything please. Just because its hard to talk to anyone in the world about it because no one knows anything right about my religion.
Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
That sucks to have to do that, but at least you're alright

Yes it sucks and what makes it worse is that i am in the 12th grade this year and it is the hardest grade and the most one that needs studying hard..... Yeah thank god I am alright :P

Change the subject.... please.
Originally Posted by rainboweye View Post
Yes I am Muslim but please I am not going to talk any further about the political situation in my country or my religion. If anyone starts anything about my religion I am not going to participate in the debate so don't ask me anything please. Just because its hard to talk to anyone in the world about it because no one knows anything right about my religion.

Yes it sucks and what makes it worse is that i am in the 12th grade this year and it is the hardest grade and the most one that needs studying hard..... Yeah thank god I am alright :P

Change the subject.... please.

Don't worry, I respect every religion for what it is.
So, who like PS3s? I do! I have been playing for 5 years!
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
I have an xbox360, but I don't even play that much right now anyway. PS3 is cool though, I've played on them before. I would prefer to keep my 360 anyway, simply because of the party system.

Not to say one is better than the other. We don't need that whole debate to spark up :v
This guy was once a GameMaster
Samsung is better than apple, I will say that. In fact, every company is better than apple, the company's name doesn't even deserve an upper case letter at the start of it.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
Don't worry, I respect every religion for what it is.
So, who like PS3s? I do! I have been playing for 5 years!

I like PS3 I play it with my friends but not at home.. I only have Ps2. It's so old now..
Originally Posted by PieGod View Post
I have an xbox360, but I don't even play that much right now anyway. PS3 is cool though, I've played on them before. I would prefer to keep my 360 anyway, simply because of the party system.

Not to say one is better than the other. We don't need that whole debate to spark up :v

What's the difference ? The same games are for xbox and PS... And the graphics are the same I guess. I've played xbox360 but can't find any difference between xbox and PS3.
PS3 has better graphics and is compatible with more things, it have quite a few games to itself, like GOW. PS2 is still great, i have one too and sometimes I do feel like playing on it.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
I still have games on Ps1. Seseme Street minigames and Austin Powers pinball, every time you hit an object, it would say "Groovy Baby, Yeah!".
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.