Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
So does that mean you'll be maining assassin for a while?

I think for questing and raiding purposes, I have to stay Outlaw because my relics and artifact power are so low for Sin, and I'm just not good enough to raid with sin. But it's my long term goal to make the transition to sin. So like, my loot spec is set to sin.

Worth mentioning, data aggregated on EN kills is flawed to a degree, most bosses will be like the first boss, which is single target.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
This is a tremendous amount of data to take in:


Important to use the appropriate filters to figure out what's relevant.

We cleared mythic halls of valor 3 -> mythic maw of souls 4 -> and then got CRUSHED by a 3 hour failure to beat mythic vault of wardens 5

Item level is now 848 for Outlaw, and excitedly, 846 for sin. Just need a shadow relic for sin and I'll be caught up.

Statistics though.. hm


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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
have 2 full normal clears and a heroic clear of emerald nightmare, got AotC just about an hour ago. also been doing a lot of m+ but no legendary yet unfortunately. also just got exalted with the nightfallen and finished up all the questlines in suramar and etc., went for some mount/mog farming yesterday and ended up getting one of my favorite mounts; swift white hawkstrider. on top of all that, just got the fire mage hidden appearance after like 15 minutes of farming in suramar. sitting at 858 ilvl on my mage and 848 on my warrior, could inflate my mage to 861 or 862 with some of the gear i have but i wouldn't be itemized. feels good, rip real life though.
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
have 2 full normal clears and a heroic clear of emerald nightmare, got AotC just about an hour ago. also been doing a lot of m+ but no legendary yet unfortunately. also just got exalted with the nightfallen and finished up all the questlines in suramar and etc., went for some mount/mog farming yesterday and ended up getting one of my favorite mounts; swift white hawkstrider. on top of all that, just got the fire mage hidden appearance after like 15 minutes of farming in suramar. sitting at 858 ilvl on my mage and 848 on my warrior, could inflate my mage to 861 or 862 with some of the gear i have but i wouldn't be itemized. feels good, rip real life though.

I haven't had a reason to laugh while staying up until 4 AM until I got rehooked on this. It's so bad lmao.

I dropped from 855 to like, 848 in item level for stat priority purposes, back up to 852 now. Only have 2 more pieces of gear that has haste, to drop for Crit/Mast for my sin rogue. Also doing 2s, just hit level 46 in honor and system shock is amazing.

Full cleared EN
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
just got this from heroic cenarius when i was running with my team

too hype

Wow awesome! Still no drops for our friends yet, we cleared 7/7 N two weeks in a row now so heroic should be soon. I'm 2nd DPS at 225k on my sin rogue.

Dropped ilevels down to 852 to get my mastery up to 126% and crit to 37%, once I get more crit/mast on my belt to remove all haste items I should be good to switch to a poison build instead of bleeding.

Looking to hit 1850 pr 2v2 with my resto Druid partner.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Who's got two thumbs and achieved his first ever Ahead of the Curve

This guy
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
currently 2/7M, had a really rough week last week of wiping to mythic nyth like 50 times. ended up literally 1-shotting her this week after our heroic clear that took us an hour and a half. took us about a day to kill elerethe and we were really close to downing ursoc today, had a few close pulls, would definitely kill him tomorrow if we were a 4 day team. mythic ursoc is the big dps check of the raid; with 2 tanks and 4 heals (mythic is 20 man btw), each dps has to do an average of 318k dps to edge him out as he enrages (ez). with one or two shadow priests it's really easy because surrender to madness is insane and top parsing spriests are pushing 600k on this fight, our team has one. either way, happy with progression this week but i'd really like to get to cenarius next week.

also, no 2nd legendary yet but i'm just about 870 ilvl.