Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Wow, this is sick. The beginning was kinda silly, but it was whatever. That opening manipulation part was sweet and it worked really well to get Uke spinning. The way you grabbed Uke and got the kick was nice, it looked well thought out. The kick could have been cleaner, but eh, what do you do. Great job.
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
Hi Jisse.
Well, the opener was alright, I don't if it's just me but I don't really like the beginning part ,probably this is just me so nevermind. Wtf, great manip, really like you mantained the flow. Boom was alright, Loved how you can keep your balance after the boom, cool pose.
So overall, interesting replay dude.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Manip and opener was great, I don't like how uke's flow was cut short by your grab so much, nice boom though.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
that opener kicks ass
love that pec kick, didnt even notice what broke ukes arm off when i first watched it
it is very clear that you were avoiding getting your face bruised by uke, and you did a good job at it
i like the last boomhit, it seems like you didnt want to go overkill because it would require you to move a lot of joints and would ruin the movement of the whole replay. nice
oh yeah
frames 330 - 271 when i noticed that you kept your momentum going in 1 direction but later on you moved and stopped and lost a lot of your momentum just to go the other way.