HiHi new guy here glad to be in this org.

@Raven,Pretty expensive don't know exact amount..
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Reminder, as i said b4, you can spit out ur suggestion and idea either here or even in discord if you have any.
Also i think it cost around 275-300k.
310k is most higest i've seen so far lately.
Their prices were fucked up in last 2 years.
They used to be around 330-340k back in the days.
Ah, i miss old market where load of quality items sells for appropriate prices and no salty markeeters either.
we should start controlling the market

magnetite laxes go for like 3k when their original price is 10 times that

as an org thing we should all pitch in and make the price a bit higher
I'm just gamin' man
The thing is, is magnetite is a horrible color, which is why it never sells.
Turning over a new leaf!
hi guys, im selling 2x plat force, offers?
| Selling tc | badass | Spaghetti 4ever | Undead | TMO | Money Fuckin maker | inactive |
Umm maybe 1tc?
He didn't like toribash
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.