We can focus on head accessories later on , right now we should design stuff for other body parts. Like tattoos , rings , shoes that look real , arm bands and how about clothing ? ( shorts , sleeves , socks ...).

I like what we have so far , once we have an item for every body part , we can make the shop . Remeber guys for each accessory , keep an editing file so you can adjust it if the buyer wants a different logo ,have a .gif file of the item ( leave the background blank so buyer can place it onto there texture and we can post it without a backdrop) and a .jpeg file.

One more thing , have two .gif files . The one texture will have no water mark and the other will (so we dont have to worry about people stealing them) . Try to make the water mark some what see through so people can tell what the item looks like .
but its really easy to steal textures with water marks... you know just paint over it.. or what do you mean?
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Some water marks are easy to rip off , but if you use black text across the entire accessory and make it transparent some what , it should be ok . If you want , you can just send me the pdf files ( your work file ) , I can add them in .
ohh that kind of watermarks the ones that are placed upon wearing the texture are so easy to delete..
lol ya , heres a wip of the sweat bands im making . I can add any logo ever created to these , aslong as theres a picture of them . What do you think?

Guys check this out xD its me and pitcher about to clash. I edited it so we both look at the camera.

What you guys think? Epic Tag team huh?
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
here guys, i made a quick hunters armband, i did it in about 3 mins
how do you post a picture how gotkicks did.
mine is tiny
Attached Images
hunters armband(2).jpg (3.2 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Lynx; Sep 3, 2011 at 01:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You have to upload the picture to a website (for example:, and then use the "insert image" button and put the link of your picture there.


Here is my new head what do you think about it?