No. We actually can judge by post. The specific rule says you can't have a specific post count required to join the clan.

You're too new, you used a rule against us trying to force you to let you join, we don't care about 100 TC a week to the clan bank, I've never seen you or your other account ingame, and you don't like posting in forums.

I think that's plenty reason.
I wasnt trying to force you to make me join. Just something a GM told me. sorry but looks like im not getting in so bye!
[Knife Kure's Your Life- KureHD]
I really wanted to get into this clan so i tried out like 10 different old emails and i found my KatNinja one! So since my stats are better on this one am i in?
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Can you look at my post and fix all the other things wrong that I said? Then maybe I'll reconsider.

Lol, soap, this had me laughing soo hard.
It's Fabulous
Yeah... its a NO from me until you fix the other problems that we have.


Um, no to Kur/Kat. For one, I've never seen you or your alt in-game before, and you just seem less than impressive. We can also certainly judge you for your post count, it just isn't a requirement. Unless you have exceptional skill, I don't see you being in our clan without posting in our forums. I do applaud you for your grammar though, but make sure to capitalize your I's.
nothing much

Originally Posted by KureHD View Post
Hi, im a 13 year old gamer whos good at toribash , when im in a clan im very active. Ive had to make this new account because my old one ( KatNinja ) i lost access to. I was a blackbelt and i will donate 100TC a week. I may not have alot of posts but thats because i do more ingame than forum. Draku has seen me play before and i dont know what he thinks about me Im good at aikido, spar, twinswords, ninjutsu and judo. You can test me if you like. You may say nope due to the lack of posts but if you have seen a certain thread it says clans cant judge by post ( this was said by a GM ) but if you would like me to get more posts then i might not join cause i actually dont like going on the forums unless im in a clan where i "have" to post or it might result in a kick or ban. I dont have many skills to do with art,video making ect.... im still trying to use gimp and i can only make Logos at the moment. If you would like test me but if its a no thats ok. Thanks for reading.

Originally Posted by KatNinja View Post
I really wanted to get into this clan so i tried out like 10 different old emails and i found my KatNinja one! So since my stats are better on this one am i in?

Originally Posted by Qubic View Post
scru grammer idc. Aside from the grammar and such, I would most definitely say no. He seems a bit immature. Post count is not too impressive, and a black belt that believes 100tc per week is substantial probably isn't very skilled. Soap has covered the rest of the points.

Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar
No to everyone since my last post, page 50. I have read them all. They are all bad.

Look, if any of you are having trouble forming an app, go to page 48 or 49 and look at OFingerzO's app. Take example from it- it is excellent.

You are expected to know how to app and to put the time in to do so correctly. You can be the worst gamer Toribash has ever seen, but with the dedication, attitude and with the best goddamn mouthwatering orgasmic app ever, your chances of getting into this fine clan or any other soars.
Last edited by Vradomor; Apr 29, 2013 at 10:30 AM.
Dyrisk: Do sluts call their private parts..Public parts?
Zandėr: No, they call it "Business Assets"