Alright so I started a new game because the emulator I was using was poo
This time around was more successful
Named my trainer JAK because I was too hasty and spammed the A button so the game decided to name me that.

Encountered 4 Pokemon so far
First was my starter, Squirtle who I named tartle
then came A Pidgey who I named burrd but he later on died by a critical hit from another wild pidgey
Soon enough at route 22 I found a spearow which I named burd2 in honor of burrd
then I moved on to route 2 to catch a ratatatata, named him Rat King idk why
I might start including photos of them later maybe
Originally Posted by Slau View Post
Pokémon LeafGreen. I'm doing a nuzlocke vs Pidda. Will keep you updated with progress here.

Also hi Kwl.

Originally Posted by 0rigami View Post
which one of all the 80 gazillion pokemon games is it?

I forgot you cant read :V

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

Originally Posted by Reta View Post
I forgot you cant read :V

sorry I am too busy roleplaying pink taric irl to read previous pages

because I got this today

trocher suck

hihi, also you took my interest with that pokemen orgy, may i know an emulator so i try that challenge?
no u