So, I have no idea if any of you guys read books :P.
Well if you do I need you to recommend me some good books which are more real, you know what I mean? I'm searching for books that are written in a way that fits more into everyday language most teenagers would use these days, with swear words and all that stuff, but not too disturbing. Books where the author is not afraid to use harsh words. So no childrens novels.
I know most of you don't read that much (or am I wrong, I really don’t know) but if you have some ideas about books id appreciate if you could share those. And yes they should be written in English.
Last edited by shrimp24; Jan 5, 2013 at 10:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm a reader, always have been since I learned how. It was my first legitimate hobby, and one that remains to this day. Anyway, I really have no clue what types of books do you want us to recommend. What kind of genres are you interested in? Do you want something based on reality, fantasy, horror, comedy, science-fiction? Typical modern teenagers(that speak English) use a version of the language that consists of extremely limited vocabulary, a lot of useless acronyms and slang. It would be extremely hard to find a quality books that contains that type of writing, as most self-respecting writers would commit ritualistic suicide before adopting the language of the modern teen(coming from the nineTEEN year old loner here ). As far as I know Stephen King isn't afraid to use curse words in his books(sadly I haven't read anything from him except The Shining, and I haven't finished it yet. And so far I'm a little underwhelmed), and he is considered a good writer. It would be a good start to get something from him, provided you can read horror stories. I believe "It" dealt with younger protagonists, maybe you could start there? Elaborate and we'll try to help, I doubt I'm the only one here that reads books
Last edited by lordtiger; Jan 6, 2013 at 05:40 PM. Reason: I am a moron and have made several grammatical mistakes.
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I personally like I lot of classic books. I find that a lot of books nowadays are just too easy to read, thus they become extremely boring. The print is double the size of what the typical book had just 10 years ago, thus I finish most books that were written in the last few years within an hour or two. I think that this has to do with the dumbing-down of American education, but that's just me.

Here are some of my personal favorites:
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Dracula
- A Tale of Two Cities
- Animal Farm
- Catch-22
- The Great Gatsby
- Huckleberry Finn
- In Cold Blood
- 1984
- Lord of the Flies

I want to read Mein Kampf as well, but this is, of course, hard to find in American bookstores; although Hitler was a crazy and evil man, I believe that he was an absolute genius. Not only that, but I think that had he not been evil, he would have been an amazing leader.
No doubt he was an amazing leader, but I understand why it's hard to find in American bookstores. Searched online?
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I disagree, i mean despite that he may have been an intelligent man, he still started the in my opinion biggest disaster of all time and killed people through his commands. So arguing about if he was a great leader is in my opinion really unnecessary. About the books silent, yes iv read half of those books in your list and I enjoyed most of them. Il take a look at the rest, ty.
Actually, Hitler is just "very eager to help his country", but got a little too eager and crossed the line onto violence territory. He IS a great leader. He helped Germany expand through almost the entire Europe continent and big parts of Russia. He gave the German citizens a lot of pride during the war, even though some think he was too cruel. One of my favorite people will most probably be Ghandi. Even though people were declaring war on his domain, he didn't counter attack, but used peace to finish the war. Unlike Hitler, who was the one who started the war. I'm not trying to make any Germans uncomfortable, but the above is my point of view.

By the way, any Germans or can speak German people in our clan?
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Originally Posted by Gotkicks2 View Post
He's sick in the head. I mean, Genocide? So wrong man.

Exactly, I mean Hitler started the deadliest war of all time with like 80 million people dying at ita behalf and is thought to be a great leader? How can you compare the fact that some people felt encouraged by his speeches or what ever to the other fact that people died through bombs, torture and hunger in those camps (dont know the english term, but you know those camps they put the jew in).
Last edited by shrimp24; Jan 7, 2013 at 04:11 PM.
I'm out of this discussion becouse I don't know much about Hutler except for some thing I saw on "National Geographic".
And what I think about Hutler: Crazy dude who started WWII and killed millions of people!