Originally Posted by Surge View Post
Happy late birthday spcr <3 sending you an item, it's all I've got

Plus, that sounds awesome, you looking forward to it?

Thanks bro, love you

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Originally Posted by Surge View Post
It's a long time, and if you don't want to do it, then it's useless IMO

Its a must in here. Theres no running from it unless u have something that u cant physically do it.
Originally Posted by Plus View Post
Its a must in here. Theres no running from it unless u have something that u cant physically do it.

They could never have that in England, people would hate it and go mad lol, IMO that's pretty stupid and unfair on people
Well tbh theres couple other options. U can do somekind of social service. What is so shitty. Or u can go to jail for the time lol.
Its like helping old people and shit like that. Id prefer to sufef on military for a year than do that.
The military is nothing that suits me or my personality at all though, and neither does community service. Both those options just suck.