So happy valentine day bithes xD. I hope you have a sexy girl, and you will have long night today.
Добро не ценится — люди от него наглеют.
I just got me a new girlfriend! I decided to ask this chick out cuz i knew she liked me
Anyways all the snow melted, but i will still be super active because we have a week off of school. But i wont be active through tommorrow. I have to go to my GF's birthday party
Lol. Alright. Most of the snow here has melted. Also, i can make free avvys for those in the clan. They are pretty epic. Just tell me how you would like it and i can make it for you.

Took me bout thirty mins to make this replay

Master Can i have one? Im alright with whatever. Just show me something and ill say if i like it or what to change about it.
Attached Files
Pay Debt Where its due.rpl (140.8 KB, 8 views)
I heard they updated the way how they do colors in forums now. Also, this is a test so don't count it as "useless" if you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Master View Post
Lol. Alright. Most of the snow here has melted. Also, i can make free avvys for those in the clan. They are pretty epic. Just tell me how you would like it and i can make it for you.

Make me a fucking avy please. I also heard that you can have your pictures in your signature without any TP/VIP. One more thing. My mom took my laptop away for not doing any homework at the correct time. So I got a two week laptop ban. :/ sorry guys. Looks like I'm not going to be online in two weeks or so.
Last edited by MrDevilMan; Feb 15, 2014 at 01:20 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"Brains are like computers but squishy and very watery :3'' ~D
I'll move you to the inactive section for now. The replay is really weird seffy. You got too close and there was a lack of Dms.

Originally Posted by Master View Post
I'll move you to the inactive section for now. The replay is really weird seffy. You got too close and there was a lack of Dms.

The replay is sortve a work in progress. I did that, but left room for more. I just wanted to show u part of it. Im gonna be working on it for a while