Well, I wasn't sure if it was something that Roman was just recently adding in or something, because p0p's character had an ability already (although he also had lower stats). And I got mine after I leveled up.
Originally Posted by Catastrophe View Post
I look around, figuring out my surroundings. I check my wounds.

Your wounds were expertly repaired. 2 monks appear to greet you.

Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I continue on beside him, but listening intently for any signs of danger.

You find a small wooden sign saying 'Blind Warriors Grove', at a distance, you see a bright clearing in the forest.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
We enter the clearing, both of us looking for any sign of the sword.

Immediately Toshi sees a figure of a man sitting on his shins, facing the other direction. Around appear to be fragments of armor, necklaces, and coin hanging by thread. They appear to chime in the wind. The man appears wearing roman-red strips of cloth, tightly wrapped around his body and head, his muscular shape unhindered by the make-shift robes. Loose strips forming a tattered cape. As you pass the chimes, he asks in a deep low whisper: "Why have you come to my grove?"
Last edited by Romanovsky; Mar 25, 2011 at 05:42 AM.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
"We have come in search of the Great Blind Warrior." I reply strongly.

The man stands fastening a elegant sword to his back using strands of cloth, he turns. His face is wrapped into a mask of more cloth, his eyes only visible. His eyes have little color, but some strange fluid floating behind his pupil causes them to almost glow a light blue. He states in a deeper but louder whisper: "You have found him", then in an threatening inhuman rawr he asks "Why have you disturbed me?!" followed by a deep growl.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
The man stands fastening a elegant sword to his back using strands of cloth, he turns. His face is wrapped into a mask of more cloth, his eyes only visible. His eyes have little color, but some strange fluid floating behind his pupil causes them to almost glow a light blue. He states in a deeper but louder whisper: "You have found him", then in an threatening inhuman rawr he asks "Why have you disturbed me?!" followed by a deep growl.

"To lead you out." I hear myself saying.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
"To lead you out." I hear myself saying.

The man unsheaths his sword and you watch his iris' turn red. "Prepare yourself"

His stats as you can perceive:

Str: 100
Int: 100

Toshikari immediately unsheaths his own blade and begins swaying back and forth, lowering his sword in a samurai stance, the tip of his blade pointed at the opponent's throat.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
The man unsheaths his sword and you watch his iris' turn red. "Prepare yourself"

His stats as you can perceive:

Str: 100
Int: 100

Toshikari immediately unsheaths his own blade and begins swaying back and forth, lowering his sword in a samurai stance, the tip of his blade pointed at the opponent's throat.

I draw my staff and eye the area around us warily, standing absolutely still.

Btw, 80j4n, you have been accepted. So anytime that you feel ready, you can post your character card for Roman. :P
Last edited by Lawrence1; Mar 25, 2011 at 06:49 AM.