Originally Posted by Vman45 View Post
so i've been playing with pinoy that really really really annoying, he said tangina bobo and such when I used ancient(carry)(but they want me be a support)(I did in minute 12 or 11)(they suck at carry)(so I changed my post to be a carry again)(they mad)(we lose)(we have lion)(but he didnt wanted to be a supp)(i'm stressed)
the end. ahahaha

pretty much this is a bit offtopic

try not to laugh ;)

Pretty much ... Some(luckily) of my games in SEA
Thats alot of parenthesis though x)
ds is still decent but not really worth picking often

also peenoise are the 2nd worst behind the russians, saying this as a filipino
haven't played much since arc warden update because of cs:go, how's the meta

pugna is pretty strong atm
Wow, this is probably going to be one of my (if not the most) favorite chest yet
God damn two of my favorites heroes with badass set

Please bring back Organiζations board
Originally Posted by sSLight View Post
ds is still decent but not really worth picking often

also peenoise are the 2nd worst behind the russians, saying this as a filipino
haven't played much since arc warden update because of cs:go, how's the meta

pugna is pretty strong atm

Everyone picks arc warden even though he's a pretty meh hero overall because low mmr think he's OP or something.
I think I might be retired.
Best huskar build
3x Aether Lens, Aghs, Ether and Veil
His ult damage will be around 105% of any hero with the default 25% magic resistance
Originally Posted by Lite View Post
Best huskar build
3x Aether Lens, Aghs, Ether and Veil
His ult damage will be around 105% of any hero with the default 25% magic resistance

3 solar crests is best build for huskar.*jk*
Yeah, i saw a video about that. It only works on base magic resistance of 25 percent, and it would also cost much.