Belt: my other acc banned i was a 2nd dan but im blue belt now
Experience (How long have you been playing): june 2008
Why you want to join:because i am a good fighter ,i feel i can bring a lot to the clan
Why should we pick you? because i use the other players movements to my advantage
Favorite Breakfast: bacon,eggs,and sausage
Favorite mode (not mod): my favorite(s) are judo,and wushu
Belt:Blue (about 200 match before brown belt)
Experience (How long have you been playing): About 6 months
Why you want to join:
Why should we pick you? Cuz I can learn (LEARN, not mastered) Black belts technique
Favorite Breakfast: Pancakes (with apple sauce) or Pie
Favorite mode (not mod): Judo, Aikido, Jousting, and Heavyweight Boxing
if i miss anyting please tell me

Indonesian? | Polly wants a signature. Squawk!
Belt: 3rd dan black belt.
Experience (How long have you been playing): for 3 years about (i really train myself).
Why i want to join: Because it's a strong clan, full of good people.
Why should you pick me: Because i am a good and addicted player.
Favorite Breakfast: Don't really know what i can say, but i think milk with cookie (i am a simple person)
Favorite mode: Aikido
promoteam subscription

belt:brown belt

years playing:4

why should u pick me:I am a really good fighter all around and I love to play

favorite breakfast:country style bacon and eggs with orange juice on the side

favorite mode:judo
Originally Posted by exile670 View Post

belt:brown belt

years playing:4 ~I don't think so.

why should u pick me:I am a really good fighter all around and I love to play

favorite breakfast:country style bacon and eggs with orange juice on the side

favorite mode:judo

Why the odd title?