Hello my name is Rylo
I'm a defined man of requisition
I do not like strife caused by our Inquisition
blah blah blah remembrance of lincoln
Now thats poetry ;} jk I just like rhyming words XD
Last edited by lickerlint; Nov 10, 2016 at 03:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Darkness teaches you to appreciate the Light!
Originally Posted by lickerlint View Post
Hello my name is Rylo
I'm a defined man of requisition
I do not like strife caused by our Inquisition
blah blah blah remembrance of lincoln
Now thats poetry ;} jk I just like rhyming words XD

THIS is what i call TRUE POETRY <3
Zendiks, magicians, poets and wise men
Yearn for the years when magic was known
Xenagogues, they who led us from dark den
Without their guidance we’ve failed on our own

Vexed questions were once answered with legends
Unhindered, by the “truth” that they lacked
Taking our hands, wizards of old beckoned
Seeing with eyes untainted by fact

Roaming the dreamscape of unknown conundrums
Questioning some and answering all
People these days, in comparison, are humdrum
“Onward and upward” has left us too tall

Never again, will trees be as sacred
Moonlight so cherished, as it was then
Looking glasses, have all but stripped naked
Kinds, all, of planets, stars and of men

Juries of “realists” have condemned the dreamers
If not for justice, then only to win
Hundreds of dreams, are now no more than streamers
Good for a laugh, but end up in the bin

Fast approaches the death of the mind
Executed by proof, by knowledge and fact
Do not stand back, if you’re so inclined
Come take my hand, and we’ll make a pact:

Before it is lost, before magic dies,
All stand together, with magic we’ll rise!


I did this for a contest a couple years ago :c

10 points to anyone who can tell me what this poem is an example of
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
Throoon, Me and Sloth were talking aaand. What if RL merged with AOG.

<[elite]Kozmonaut> I fucked myself
<(AOG)Darkhorsepyro>You ever had peanutbutter and coolwhip sandwiches?
<[elite]Kosmonaut> Bent my dick and fucked myself
which way around ? I wanna stay (RL)Reckless, if your guys all join over and i give you all the rights i can, np at all, but not the other way around sorry ^^'
But throoooooon, i would give you leadership thooooough.

<[elite]Kozmonaut> I fucked myself
<(AOG)Darkhorsepyro>You ever had peanutbutter and coolwhip sandwiches?
<[elite]Kosmonaut> Bent my dick and fucked myself
i would do the same lol
darksy, this whole merging stuff only works well with dying clans or like 3-4 member clans, but yeah we're neither ^^"
Last edited by Thronior; Nov 10, 2016 at 04:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Thronior View Post

You dick that took me a whole day
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016