looks like some internet shit

I enjoyed the skeetcap

this is the first replay I've watched in like 2-3 months but cool dude
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
I mean I've definitely have seen better out of you, especially DM wise but you had some pretty good flow/momentum throughout that. Goodjob! for you like a 4/10. Overall like a 6.5/10
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby
movement was hella donk and dms were executed well as usual

your movement is getting even more crazy and cool
the goblin
Filler replay my ass holy fuck dude
first kick was so slick
nice manip kick thingy
nice decap
HOLY SHIT that hook kick was godtier gg dude
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
filler replay, i intend to make cooler stuff soon

I liked it

booms were nice
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/

right after the decap i thought you were going to pose and then just hoLY FUCK

the opener was nice and cool
the boom looked gentle which i enjoy in replays
the decap was nice
the jump i really like
cool pose
the replay is unrelated to what i said in the last post

replay name courtesy of Thrandir the one the legend
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pusga - cosmical nebulayaki.rpl (562.5 KB, 106 views)
oh yeah