dude.plz i aint kidding 600k is too much for me.its insane and dumb.
anychance you can make me one liek it?
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Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
killer, how about 599k?

coob I'll get on it.

Ok u gonna get them ready today clock is 21:24 here and ill go offline at 22:00.
Spinzir, a whole set for 20k? I don't think I can do that.. PM me for further details. We might just work something out.

coob, I don't think I can get it done that fast. I'll have them by tomorrow.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Spinzir, a whole set for 20k? I don't think I can do that.. PM me for further details. We might just work something out.

coob, I don't think I can get it done that fast. I'll have them by tomorrow.

darn well tomorrow then ill get from school at 14:20
i want a full set please, if u can do tribal robot i would be happy :3 do you think you could make it sort of like my current one, but the textures come together to look like an actual thing-wait..............HOLY CRAP 200K !!! OMG

um.... im not gona delete this, but i will edit this when i get enough money....

but srsyy, thats expensive, u must put so much work into this
Something about busses:D