
Lemon party

Nobody takes me seriously.
Last edited by Pidda; Oct 13, 2012 at 03:44 PM.
fuck you pidda i clicked it -.-
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
Why doesnt anyone listen to me. What the hell is wrong with you people. 5 people have now clicked the link and none of them can say I didnt warn them.
haha i will never click the link Pidda!
OMG! Kid, you look like Oprah Winfrey with a bowl cut riding a three legged pony down the street!
I'd never click that link!
I'll show you... the power of the Azure! I'll show you fear. There is no hell, just nothingness. This is the power of the Azure!
It's only IRC chat.
Though I can see why you'd be sceptical: I only clicked it because Mong didn't freak out in the comments.
I discovered lemonparty when I was twelve. I discovered the horrors of the internet from that day onwards.
i'm twelve

Pidda needs to do some explanations.

Click me ;)

Last edited by P137; Oct 19, 2012 at 02:15 PM.
P137~ People who quote themselves are idiots
I win yes. I also win round 1 in KwlPwnz wars.
[17:48] <KwlPwnz> PEOPLE
[17:48] <KwlPwnz> your savior has arrived.
[17:49] <~Pidda> No you wont
[17:49] * KwlPwnz was kicked by Pidda ([email protected]) Reason (Pidda)