Original Post
[rb] The Game

Hello. Happy to see you here again.
not really
So this time there is more of you who signed in.
More than two hundred.

First of all, let me explain where are you.
As you must have seen in the video of one of my lovely rabbits, you're on island.
I won't say that it's inhabited since there's a lot of you here now.
However, it doesn't mean that there's nothing else anywhere here.

I don't want to tell you how you got here.
There was no plane crush (at least I haven't planned any).
You're not survivors of a cruise ship that was wrecked by storm.
Let's say that you just... just appeared here.
Like if you got teleported.

Yes, you can think that I used a giant teleport to get you here, then wiped your memory and stood in front of you to tell this bullshit.

I had even written a full list of your names on the sand before you regained consciousness.
By the way, some names have little symbols next to them. You probably know why. Next time you won't try to cheat on me.


So, you're all still here.
As I've said, I cannot guarantee that you're secure here.
That's why you have to devide into teams for obvious purposes. Defending yourselves from insane rabbits alone isn't all that easy, believe me.

Fun thing is that I'm not aiming to keep even a half of you alive. But well, security is what every "free" person should have!

I think that your first objective is clear.
Make teams and let me know who is in each one via PM.

I'll be waiting for your messages until Thursday.
Once the London clock will show 12 AM, you will have no further chance to change anything.

P.S. Ah, and I forgot one detail. Only one member of each team will survive. And those who try to stay alone will end their days in torment.
Last edited by sir; Aug 5, 2013 at 07:44 PM.
So... this is over!
Thanks for participating.

Culapou got the million he deserved and an outstanding nickchange.

And we got a winner. Congrats TheGod, man, u clever ;p in riddles 4 real!~~

how do you even solve the last riddle?
33% eh? How much did you guys split for the decap prize?
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
The Game
33% clock 33% smilies 33% the god

The Decap
50% clock 50% culapou

The God
100% culapou
the god
Originally Posted by TheGod View Post
The Decap
50% clock 50% culapou

Decap rigging much? So anyway, I pm'd clockwork and I hope he tells me teh solutions I'm craving for

Well I pretty much only want solutions for last 2 or 3 tasks (the one Hobo failed and and the next ones), also how did Deuteria guess it's Holy? Honestly, I originally thought it could've been Holy, but I dismissed him as inactive, because he wasn't making any threads for months at the time of last years' Deadly Game.
Originally Posted by TheGod View Post
The Game
33% clock 33% smilies 33% the god

gimme dat 1%
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
The god. Owned. Pm smilies2 for solution. I am away for the day
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg