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[Clan Event] The Gauntlet Of Tank
Welcome To The Gauntlet

This is a Clan vs Clan event very similar to that of Clan League. Each Clan must make a roster of who will be competing from their clan. Then Each Clan will be put into a "random" Generator (just gonna pick a number out of the hat). Then once all the Clans have been organized each will be competing against each other.

1.No Alts in Different clans
2.Each Clan must have at least 7 members chosen to participate
3.At the beginning of The Clan battle each clan must take a screenshot showing they agreed to start the matches
4.Each win must be screenshot and with both clans Stating the Score
5.Any Clan to Fail to Compete/show up within the first 2 weeks will be disqualified (must provide evidence that the clan has not attempted to compete/or has not responded either)
6.Each member of your Clan is only allowed 3 Matches(can be split up between mods or they can do all 3 same mod)
7. There must be 7 matches per mod
8. Each Level of the bracket will have a period of time to complete all 21 matches(I will update this as we go forward)
9. All Screenshots must be turned in after completion of the whole war and sent to me via pm


1st Place: 600k split across each member + Random Items
2n Place: 300k split across each member + Random Items
3rd Place: 100k split across each member + Random Items

Must Register Below by: 2/1/19
Clan Name
Members Participating

If you have any Questions you can pm me on forums or on discord [Great Grandfather Convict#7390]
Last edited by Convict; Feb 2, 2019 at 03:01 AM. Reason: started
AS don't have enough members to finish the event. You should probably state a technical victory of Hack.
The original sign ups can still participate at the time evo and win finish and AS still does not participate then hack will have the 3rd place prize
Originally Posted by Convict View Post
The original sign ups can still participate at the time evo and win finish and AS still does not participate then hack will have the 3rd place prize

Oof. Just checked AS board. Now they're completely dead.

Is there any deadline?
Convict has some in real life issues going on at the moment he is taking care of, as for this event I am still un aware of the current standing.
Still have not received any updates on score between the final clans still awaiting further results. Sorry if some delay still waiting and many changes have happened to the clans in the most recent events
if it needs be, evo can hop in the discord and ping fade or dare and ask when they're able to set up matches
<[Alpha]Diamond> in short: you count pings, you run, you lick boots