Age: 17

Reason to join the clan: Just rejoining after taking a break.

First name: Jonathan

How much you play: I'll play everyday, except for breaks ;3

What can you do for this clan: I can play in wars, when I'm not half assing it.

How much you go on the forums: I only go on textures.

Do you have steam: Yes.

What mods you are good at: Greykido,

Are you willing to wait to join this clan: Yes, but you know what to do.

Also what gender and race: Male, black.

Reason to join the clan: I like this clan in think it has a good name i need a
clan and i have a lot of friends in this clan

How much you play: EVERY DAY!!!

What can you do for this clan: I can fight in wars (in my opinion im a really gr8 fighter xD)

How much you go on the forums: A lot but not every day
Do you have steam: No

What mods are you good at: Aikidobigdojo, greykido, mushu, aikido, taido, soccer ( i know its not fighting but im good at it lol)and thats it

Are you willing to join this clan: Yes!

Gender and race: White and boy

Oh and my first name is Michael

Age: 14

I've been away for a year now and ! was kicked due to inactivity from my old clan Origin (now inactive). I just came back looking for a new clan to join and I just happened to like this one.

My name is Justin (Bieber <3)

I play regularly about an hour a day after school work and on holidays or weekends 2 - 3 hours.

I can't offer this clan much other than skill and humour am willing to put all tourney tc and any other tc into this clan bank, as I have no need for tc or currency.

I go on the forums heaps as my last clan had so much social status and was based on the forums more than the game (3000 pages before inactivity.)

I have steam and my steam name is: Harry

I am good at any aikido mod, wushu, need to get back into sparring.

I am willing to wait to join this clan.

Male/Korean -_-

Disclaimer: I cannot play on Sundays due to it being the day where my family and I do other activities.

Cats <3
Age: 13 Years old

Reason to join the clan: BigDogSwag called me to do an app (in PM, but dane up).

First name: André (you never will can write this "é")

i don't play so much, but when i play i make some cool streaks or since if i didn't understand the question: 1 year, 6 mounths, 2 weeks and 5 days (568 days)

What can you do for this clan: Activity in/ on/ at (idk) thread, and sometimes i play ing-game to makes this clan more famous.

How much you go on the forums: Meh, i can't be active if the thread has more than one page per day.

Are you willing to wait to join this clan? Yes, i do.

Do you have steam? Yes, Andre_Rieger

What mods you are good at? Aikido... Aikido.

I'm 'pardo' (i don't know what's the translate to it) here's a photo:

Reason to join the clan?i was kicked before and now im rejoining

First name?tucker

How much you play?i play everyday for a few hours at most

What can you do for this clan?i can be a good team player and post on forums

How much you go on the forums?i check them every other day

Do you have steam?yes

What mods you are good at?mushu,wushu,aikido,and katana

Are you willing to wait to join this clan?i guess

Also what gender and race?f white
Must one person's triumph be another's humiliation? Of course!
people fear what they don't understand...