Endurance Onslaught 6.0
This is what I do when I'm bored.

I looked at "da flame" picture, and questioned myself: what kind of car is that?

I went through multiple thoughts, an old 1980's Ferrari? I was like, wait no man of this kind could own such a beauty.

I then quickly realized the distinct looking mirrors, those could be found on Pontiac Firebirds.

Anyone else think that this is the type of car "da flame" owns?

Cnc on my detective skills would be nice.
For constructive criticism, I will advise that you should start off by analyzing the background in the image. The fact that the shirtless man and his car appear to be set in a forest raise a lot of questions (e.g. "Could the trees be linked to the effects by cars in general? Could this be an Eco-friendly awareness tactic?).
Secondly, flames can be seen at the bottom of the image, indicating that the man and his car may be trapped in a forest fire. If this is the case, then the man could possibly lose his mind, resorting to taking his shirt off due to the heat and posing in a fashion that could be seen as 'painfully embarrassing'.
Finally, we can rest assured that the car is in fact a Mini Cooper.

P.S. No need to thank me, it's just feline instincts...
Oh man, you're totally right!

How had I not seen those flames?

Most likely, a mini cooper.
Originally Posted by Chaco View Post

Most likely, a mini cooper.

Not just a Mini Cooper, but a red one! x3

Originally Posted by Facade View Post
are you wearing two fucking watches?

I think he is o.o