The idea sounds great given a beta would be ran for it, and glitches and bugs dealt with accordingly. Speaking primarily for myself in regards to Taekkyon, I think it would create much more diversity with fighting styles seeing how Taekkyon is one of the more destructive, and combat based fighting mods. Especially given how you can dictate each frame accordingly unlike ABD or Wushu where there's 25-50 second frames. Just my opinion though
The problem is that if this is incorporated in competitive mods they would no longer be competitive due to the fact one player may have the advantage over the other.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
So, a staff member suggests something that's completely game-changing, and Hampa immediately says he'll think about it. What happened to the ideas and suggestions board? Why isn't he looking at any of those? There are some super great suggestions that would be super useful that aren't game-changing at this level. Anyway, this idea wouldn't be so good. Like Toxic said, it would take away the competitive aspects of the game.
Stay away from ABD, Les. :c
Make another version of TPL like ABD and implement this idea there.
I don't like this. Where the game is currently, everyone has even ground. I feel like its ruining the one great aspects of Toribash; No advantages besides your level of skill. I think the games is great where it is in that aspect and it should not be touched.

this better fucking be april fools this idea would make the game unbalanced as fuck

"yeah fam for tk lets start with one foot in the air for £2.50 lmao thats fair"
and mr free player that's not enough of a lowlife to put money into having a foot in the air gets kicked in the gut

come the fuck on now
Ok, so this thread is turning into complete shit now.

1. Fighting stances are not going to happen in the form LesDuncan talks about them. Yes, it is considered to probably add them in future versions though.
2. If or when fighting stances are implemented, they will only work in new mods and be available as a mod option.
3. They are not going to be sold. Nobody is going to make Toribash a pay2win game, we aren't dumbasses.
4. LesDuncan isn't the most credible source in terms of Toribash development. If you want to know what's going to be added, ask hampa. You are unlikely to get any answers though because if we want to announce that something is getting added in the next version, we do it publicly via Steam announcements or on forum. Thus, the way LesDuncan presented this "to-be-a-feature" is nothing more than his view of this idea.

I'm closing this thread, if you want to discuss the possibility of having fighting stances, go to suggestions board.