Dwarf fuggin Fortress. Then again, if dwarfs burrow beneath a city, they're probably going to dig to the core of the planet, so they can unleash magma and other hidden goodies, in an attempt to destroy the whole planet. And goblins would be invading all the time. And bogeymen would kill the fuck out of lone wanderers in the night. And massive monsters would regularly visit rich cities.


Maybe i'm fine with reality after all.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
TES: IV Oblivion would be great, going to hell for the purpose of killing the 17 crown princes of daedra, would be cool stuff.
Big genital guy hmu ladies
Originally Posted by maxfire1 View Post
L4d !!! but it would be scary
or maybe monster hunter unite , hunt ,die,buy armor and stuff, kick some ass then die again

Monster hunter of course.

Minecraft, anarchy online, nuff said.
Killing a rathalos with only a sword...beast

LOL amnesia: the dark descent anyone?
I'd like to a famous youtuber. =3
You like COD? --- >MONTAGE<
amnesia? hell no.

I'd say either mechwarrior, although I'm sure we'll be at that stage in 100 years or so.

Or Conkers bad fur day. I've always wanted to blow up a robotic bale of hay whilst I ride a pitchfork.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
APB: Reloaded.
Every turn you take, some guy is shooting some shit.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else