In the beginning, Kai-Tiger created Discount Death, and he saw that Discount Death was good. So on the first day, he posted a thread in clan discussion about it.

On the second day, he made an application form for opssible members to sign.

On the thrid day, Kai Tiger recruited some members. And he saw the members were skilled. So he left them to their own devices.

On the fourth day. Kai set up an official board for the Discounters. And so, the clan was made.

On the fifth day, Kai and other members recruited more members. So Discount Death grew.

On the sixth day, Zygriuxxx left to form the clan Hunters, and we saw that Hunters were nubs. So we slapped them on the foes list.

Then on the seventh day, OldBean recruited TheSev because he saw TheSev was trained in the ways of ass-kickery.

And so, on the eighth day, we send TheSev to go and get a PHD in kicking Hunter's ass.

Welcome, TheSev.
Echomarine 4 the win
Glad to be here , but still , if we want to be much better then clan , we should have a duel for honor , who wins is the best , well that is all i have to say about hunters , truth be told it's much then talking .
Last edited by TheSev; Nov 15, 2008 at 08:43 PM.
eh sorry guys, was away for a week and couldn't slip a message out. Back in a couple of days
Master Belt
[00:17] Ishi is now known as japanese_boat [00:17] <SHARK> OH HELL NO
Originally Posted by OldBean View Post
Sure james, that's fine aslong as we know you are still demi-active.

I was torn between making a leaving thread or posting here, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and post here anyway.

I'm going through a phase once again where toribash has grown old for me, I've gotten everything I want; plenty of tc, joints, friends, clan, textures - everything. So I'm going to announce that officially, my activity is going to be poor, though, some of you would argue that it was already, I dont care, I thought I was doing pretty good seeing as dealing with toribash wasn't the first thing on my tick-list seeing as the fan is covered in shit over here.

I'll probably post on these forums once or twice a week, in the game itself, less, I wont lie, probably once or twice every two or three weeks, I've got alot of shit going on for me at this time, and it's particularly hard trying to cope with everything back home, more so what goes on outside of it, and being active is just one of the things which isn't important enough for me to worry about for now, I hope you all appreciate that i have a life outside of toribash, and you accept my excuse for my absence/lack of activity, though, feel free to release me from the clan if you see fit.

collect snots from the nose
I took it upon myself to edit the first post, Kai, feel free to change it back if you like, i just think it looks better now than it did before.
collect snots from the nose
lolz, grim 5 ninja, + why is there only 4 :s + i will miss u Gynx u pwnd
Bloxam: TBH...
Bloxam: i like boys more than girls
Dr_NoXious: i see
Dr_NoXious: is now Offline.