Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post
And/or QI restriction tournaments and events. The QI restriction rooms are a joke atm, the Ultimate servers served a purpose unlike any public servers today: finding people with some experience and enjoy the game with them.

The qi restricted rooms are never used. Maybe if we saw them used more often, more would be made, or at least we would make servers that require more qi. Also, if you want to make suggestions on servers, shoot me a pm.

To stay on topic. I believe that people who have been playing for a long time, and earned their belts, should be rewarded somehow. Maybe we don't give them items, or tc, but we can definitely make a custom 3d item. I support the idea, but not the original idea. There can definitely be a system devised to reward high qi players. I still support this idea.
A hasbeen like the rest