Ishi what it feels to be worshiped by so many peeps?
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi ishi

hi ishi what is your real first name? ishi?

Apathetic User
ishi, are you a masochist?
And do you ever feel qoir?
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ishi View Post
in no particular order: tim, ego, mwah, bish, sid, jellyninja, you, lsl, lancer_c, dargon.

i might have missed some people, but those are the people i think of as very good friends, some as family, people that i can actually talk to and don't just query me on irc when they need a favor.

Wow what about me?
I suck.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
ishi, are you a masochist?
And do you ever feel qoir?

no to both, i be sure to keep myself in tip top shape with regular "exercise" to avoid qoir

Originally Posted by Dragon View Post
Wow what about me?

that's why i hate questions like that


Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
hi shi

when will you be able to warframe with siku and I again

Don't forget about the almighty noob, Chaco who stayed under your guys' ice bubble thingy.

No but in all seriousness I was gonna ask the same question.

Ishi bby, les make babies.
ishi, y people keep capitalizing the I, they blind.

also this

also, hurry up and get btr internet so we can TL2 again kay?