Original Post
Filling out stuff = 500TC-1K
You wanna earn 500TC-1K TC just by filling out a few questions?
If so here is what you do.

Since I have some TC. I would like to help give it to the public. So I had an idea that people deserve TC by just answering questions. Unlike the TC surveys in the ToriShop, you don't have to give an email address, a street address, and other personal stuff.

So anyways here are the rules:
No dumbass answers
You must have at least 100 posts (to prevent from alt accounts)
You must fill out every question that is given
You must use English and good grammar. (This helps depends on how much TC you get)
You can only answer the questions once. So make sure to make it perfect.

About the questions:
There will be new questions every week or so, if i can find new questions, so you'll be able to get alot of TC. Also remember there might be other people in front of you so be patience and wait until you get your TC. I'm the only one who's gonna be giving the TC and reading them. Also subscribe to this thread so you can know when there's new questions or not

Ok onto the questions for this week:

* What is you accounts ID? (To figure out just click on your name and it should say after ''http://forum.toribash.com/member.php?u=[ID]''
*Your rank? :
*Your Username? :
What type of computer do you have?
Which one do you like better? A desktop or laptop?
What is your favorite time of the day?
What type of sports do you do?
What do you spend most of your free time doing?
If you could have anything in the world. What would it be?

* Questions with a '*' are the questions that will be in every weeks questions

So there it is. I know they might seem a bit personal but it's ok. Also if i forget to give you TC it either might be i ran out of TC or I forgot to read yours.


OK happy filling...out...stuff.. i guess XD GL

Last edited by Ginkey; Jul 3, 2010 at 12:54 AM.
* What is you accounts ID?
*Your rank? :
*Your Username? :
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays?
DQ or dismemberment
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject?
Toribash, life sense, computers, weather, future, past
What type of pet do you have or wish to have?
I had three cats
What is your favorite color?
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet?
I prefer to chat
What do you spend most of your free time doing?
Riding on my bicycle
Does the color purple intrigue you?
I dont think so
Favorite Cereal?
I am not eating eat
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB (friend you made, clans you joined/made, etc)
(this also helps you get more TC)
I have five friends and joining clan Demon, sold two or three heads, got 1012 Toricredits
* What is you accounts ID?:626304
*Your rank? : 2017
*Your Username? :Incocnicto
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays? Humour
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject? I like to talk about politics in real and textures in toribash
What type of pet do you have or wish to have? I have a grey cat called Moya
What is your favorite color? My favourite colour is blood red.
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet? Both really, I'm generally loud
What do you spend most of your free time doing? Playing drums or playing Toribash
Does the color purple intrigue you? Yes, it intrigues me a lot
Favorite Cereal? My favourite cereal is Milo
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB (friend you made, clans you joined/made, etc) (this also helps you get more TC)

Basically I found out about Toribash from my friend Loaded1, and I started playing it. I was really bad, but I made Tc by selling and buying noob items (orc, chronos, gladitaor)
Then I bought a head texture from Armin0 and became more active on forums
Ramzis taught me an awesome Judo move and I improved a lot in Judo.
I started looking at lots of sets and heads, and got random -rep (glitch i think)
Now I am currently buying hand textures for 3K

Thank you for making this survey +rep
Black Lives Matter. Smash racism, whatever means necessary.
*Your rank?: 3849
*Your Username? :flobi
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays? breaking body parts
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject? any
What type of pet do you have or wish to have? dogs cat fish rat and chickens
What is your favorite color? black and green
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet? quiet
What do you spend most of your free time doing? eather hockey or toeibash
Does the color purple intrigue you?yes
Favorite Cereal? special k with chocolaty flakes
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB (friend you made, clans you joined/made, etc)
(this also helps you get more TC)
ive made heaps of friends ive been in a few clans but my longest and still in is RAM i havent made and clans yet but i want to though
Last edited by flobi; Jun 29, 2010 at 01:26 PM.
RAM Member
What is you accounts ID?: 742765
Your rank? : 21761
Your Username? : soyman
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays? "soyman wins!" and fluid movements
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject? hwo the world will be in 50 years, philosophy etc.
What type of pet do you have or wish to have? i have none but my pet of choice would be a Siberian tiger or a turtle
What is your favorite color? purple
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet? it depends on the situation
What do you spend most of your free time doing? probably hanging with my girlfriend
Does the color purple intrigue you? yup
Favorite Cereal? i would have to say axa muesli in all its honey roasted chocolaty deliciousness
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB: erhm i found toribash and just recently got my internet back so i tried multiplayer and its fun. i have also made a couple of textures though i cant use them unless i get some TC and thats where you come in :Þ

to bad about the post count i guess i cant do anything about that at the moment but if you would be so kind to trust me you will be thought of highly by me
* What is you accounts ID? http://forum.toribash.com/member.php?u=629968
*Your rank? : Brown 2935 :P
*Your Username? : Charybdiz
What do you think is something that you must always have in your replays? ME kicking someones butt! and a cool pose...
What type of discussions interest you and make you want to chat more about the subject? Music, Art/Textures and Other stuff like Events...
What type of pet do you have or wish to have? I own a Cat, wish i had a dog :P
What is your favorite color? Have some Favourite Colours...Blue, Green and Black (Black is not a color but whatever)
Are you a person who likes to talk or keep quiet? I like talking and being social.
What do you spend most of your free time doing? I usually spend some of my time with my computer, but also i do other things like hanging arounf with friends, cycling, jogging and exorcising...
Does the color purple intrigue you? nah...not really
Favorite Cereal? Coco Puff ^^
Summary of you whole time you have been on TB (friend you made, clans you joined/made, etc) (this also helps you get more TC)
Joined 4 months ago, and i have been playing like more than once every week :P sometimes i have invited 2-3 friends over and whe have had an internet cafe it's really funny. and i usually help them with making their textures, for free ^^
Last edited by Charybdiz; Jun 28, 2010 at 10:42 PM.
*Account ID=438383
*Your rank? :108
*Your Username? :Firebolty

What the hell? I finished the application. Where'd it go? [Ugh]
Last edited by firebolty; Jul 1, 2010 at 01:24 AM.
Meh, is this still going? The questions haven't been updated and it seems they aren't getting answers?
Don't worry guys. I'm wait untill i get like 5-10 questions, then that's when i send the TC.
So i don't have to keep checking this thread and sending TC at random times.
Also guys i will ignore your posts if you have under 100 posts. I won't send you TC or tell you why you won't get TC. YA SHOULD READ THE FIRST POST.
And i think someone asked before why 100 posts. Just to prevent alt accounts from posting.
Alert, i know. I'm sorry they haven't been updated. I'll see if i can come up will some new ones tomorrow. I've been lazy lately XD.
Also TC has been sent