its my birthday in 4 days, so ill be inactive basically this whole weekend as i'll be on a party bender. That is all.
Starting September 5, my activity will drop due to my freshman year in High school
<Bubbyzane> As a 16 year old, Canadian, cKy fan, and a gamer, I can honestly say I know the exact definition of cool.
I have found out my computer isn't working. So until I get it fixed I won't be in-game or on the forums much... thought I let you guys know that.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
I might be grounded for the next 3 weeks so don't expect too much of me
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Grounded? 3 weeks? man that sucks, ive being verbally grounded. but it never stuck. sad to hear you got grounded, should rebel though
Hai Im ba-ack! Sorry for being away from tb for so long....I was busy playing minecraft xD
Oheythere ic0n