Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Belt(3rd dan with exceptions)My forum account is white belt. My ingame account (ongbash) is 6th dan.
Your name(Optional): I dont give out my real name sorry.
Skills(Art, video's etc): Replays
Mods(What mod are you best in? Have to be decent at aikido and sparring): I can do both really good.
Replays(Optional): I will
Why you want to be a [Drunken Master]!:
Festus is helping me threw some tough shit right now and I think joining his clan is the least I can do to pay him back.
What will you bring to the clan: I would not know, I don't judge my self cause I may be wrong.
Ingame activity on scale 1-10:10
Forum activity on scale 1-10:10
I say no for obvious reasons.

1. My friend is ongbash. don't know what happened after that.
2. theres no replays and they probably aren't good
3. You joined April 2011.
4. Low post count
5. I'm pretty sure You have like 200 other accounts
Source: http://forum.toribash.com/showpost.p...postcount=1580

And last but not least, Its sort of a poor application :/ Not gonna lie.
Ok i at least wanna see some replays and i need you to show us ingame your sixth dan
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
When he posts we will consider SharkBate, well I guess MacElite is rejected, since:

1. No one likes you.
2. Mx3 thinks you accuse him for something.
3. Shuckle has his doubts.

Me on the other hand want to see replays, and I wna test you ingame
I apologise for this post.