Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Two Events...

Do you want to win a full 512k texture set? Simply be the person who owns the 2,700,000th post on the forums. (we're currently at 2,604,790)

How about winning a 1000 TC booster for 1 month? Buy a 'Contact KiTFoX' item from the ToriShop - http://forum.toribash.com/tori_shop_item.php?id=1661
Once the item is sold out, we'll choose a random owner and whoever comes up... wins! Easy.

Good luck, and no killing people.

P.S. Contact KiTFoX
Last edited by veb; Jun 12, 2010 at 04:23 AM.
we need more posts oO

User infracted for blatant spam and ignoring rules.
Right after hanz0 warned everyone, this will not be tolerated. ~ Phail
Last edited by phail; Jun 12, 2010 at 09:32 PM.
Sorry if this is spam, but you can check the current number of posts by looking at the bottom of the forums index.

In the Toribash Community Statistics box, you can see a count of the total posts indexed on the forum. (which does not include deleted posts, hence everyone else coming to higher totals).

Hope that helps people.
I've do calculations hope i will win i will be ready for that event ! Fuck Yeah !
btw very nice event
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Originally Posted by Modarchy View Post
No, either veb made a mistake or he has some way of tracking down what current posts are numbered.

The post count at the bottom of the forums doesn't take deleted posts into account.
So let's say I was 2,700,004th poster, I could just delete 4 of my posts and win the prize.

That's why this event is flawed like I said before.

It's the post count on the main page (right down the bottom).
The event is not flawed as I highly doubt the total post count for the forum cannot be altered in such a way. The fact is even if veb or someone deleted a few post, the winner would still be congratulated as he would know and QQ to the extent where he would piss the mods off so he'd be handed his prize. But as I said, highly doubtable that someone would do such a thing.
You clearly doubt the fathoms of fuck I do not give.
This is a nice idea
Last edited by Sil; Jun 13, 2010 at 05:44 AM.
I'm back :)
Nice trophy veb. Did you make it?

Also, I think I'll go check out that post-counter soon...

EDIT: Went to go quote it, Cevius makes good stuff (Wish I could see some more though, Photobucket's blocked).
Last edited by JinxZ; Jun 13, 2010 at 06:23 AM.

Originally Posted by veb View Post
It's the post count on the main page (right down the bottom).

Doesn't that mean that there could be multiple winners considering that doesn't take into account certain types of posts?

Unless a PM is sent out, making my argument invalid.