Ok, so let me get this straight, Magix is ToriDeath and he is out of the clan and now Cina,Slifer Reanimator and myself are all leaders? And I will get board admin soon....?

I need to get on more...

Me and rean are leaders. You and Slif are board admins. And you already have your board admin I believe.

Yeah. ToriDeath is a noob, and I'm glad it's just us now. Corporal, go recruit, and get up on aciveness, ok?

I'm going to go post in Wibbles that Magix is Torideath, just because I want to.

Guys, new threads, and somody come up with a new comp.

EDITED: New topic: What is your favorite Beverage?
Last edited by Cinamintz; Nov 27, 2009 at 05:35 PM.
Mecool, you should get an Avy :O Ha.

I'm going to go with Pepsi for soft drinks, and Chocolate milk for anything else

Subtopic: Coke, or Pepsi?

I like pepsi, more caffine=MOAR ENERGY. It's also sweeter too. I enjoy it. Coke has too much Caremel in it so it tastes syrupy.
To me, i could care less as long as it washes down whatever i was eating atm
bring back wibbles