I dont play minecraft lke alot of you do but i do play this german game thats rlly fun and you can build epic maps and stuff rlly awesome game called Sauerbraten or cube2. you can be extremely creative while making maps its really fun, all the maps you see in this video you can make with effort XD
Last edited by sunchaos; Jan 26, 2012 at 05:35 PM.
Get me mah juice Bitch.

...Pitcher...That...cat. What the heck, lol
I HAVE A SONG, it's my new favorite. It's from this one anime I watch called Clannad. It made me shed many tears, lol.

Also, how do you post a youtube video without having to click a link, like how ThePitcher did.
Last edited by HuskyDQ; Jun 14, 2012 at 11:44 AM.
[Hunters], [RSO], and [Anime United]! I AM BACK FROM HIATUS
Originally Posted by HuskyDQ View Post

...Pitcher...That...cat. What the heck, lol
I HAVE A SONG, it's my new favorite. It's from this one anime I watch called Clannad. It made me shed many tears, lol.

Also, how do you post a youtube video without having to click a link, like how ThePitcher did.

there's a sidebar, up at the top of the reply thingy, that has the youtube
symbol. click that, and inbetween the [youtube] thingies put everything that
comes after the v= in the link.
wow that
Oh. thanks Nearly.
But it's not working. :c
shit, nevermind. Thanks again Nearly.
Last edited by HuskyDQ; Jun 15, 2012 at 01:30 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[Hunters], [RSO], and [Anime United]! I AM BACK FROM HIATUS