Originally Posted by TheSamurai0926 View Post
We need classic, SP replays, I myself check each and..... yeah :v

Lol. I only have Taekkyon and some Aikido replays on my hard drive on the computer I'm using ATM. I'll try digging around on my other computers.

P.S. Ohai StarDelta. C3's as spammed as usual. XD
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Yup. Jalis deleted the wibbles thread and the "Banned Game" thread. Apparently, C3 spams too much. :P
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
No to Kam, app poor and no replays...

also LastGod I want replays that show your skills, can be SP or MP just I want to see how level are your skills.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
What is your reason for wanting to join: I like the sound of this org.
Belt(Isn't important): first dan black
Age: 14
Infraction & Ban History: 1 for a useless post. none in the past few months
Special skills: umm... i can recolour heads, if that what mean by "skills"
Are you IRC/Forum/Ingame active: IRC-nope, Forum-Yes, Ingame-almost every day

Also no, very poor, AND no replays. How fun....
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
What is your reason for wanting to join: I favor running and sparring above many other things in Toribash, and I feel that this organization contains lots of potential. I don't feel, however, that my skills are the best. I think that by joining this organization, I would get to play alongside others who are similar to me, and that would help my own skills. That would also count the other way around, as I am willing to help others in certain areas/skills of sparring and/or running.
Belt(Isn't important): 2nd Dan Black Belt
Age: 15
Infraction & Ban History: None
Special skills: Realism, Sparring, Walking and Running, Kicks
Are you IRC/Forum/Ingame active: Fairly, though I am not as active on the IRC.

~Thanks for reading, from your friendly LastGod~nyan! :3

Great reasons to join, well done app. Nice history with infractions etc. Good skills. And i know you pretty well, your a great guy (:
yes from me.